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Join our exclusive Inner Circle and be the first to hear new tracks and special releases, connect with like-minded fans in a online community and exclusive Q&A sessions.
  • Bronze VIP Access and exclusive content
  • Early access to new music
  • 200 tokens per month
/  month
Join my exclusive Silver Tier and be the first to hear new tracks and special releases, connect with like-minded fans, and enjoy intimate virtual hangouts and Q&A sessions.
  • Silver VIP Access and exclusive content
  • Exclusive livestreams
  • 500 tokens per month
  • Virtual Hangout on Zoom
/  month
Join my exclusive Gold Tier and be the first to hear new tracks and special releases, connect with like-minded fans, and enjoy intimate virtual hangouts and Q&A sessions. Also get a backstage pass to my songwriting journey.
  • Gold VIP Access and exclusive content
  • Songwriting Experience
  • 1000 tokens per month
  • Virtual Hangout on Zoom
  • Q&A sessions
/  month
Join my Platinum tier for all of the Gold Tier perks plus your own custom song for a special event or loved one.
  • Platinum VIP Access and exclusive content
  • Custom songwriting session
  • 5000 tokens per month
/  month
The ultimate experience in Positive Country Music. Diamond membership offers everything in the Gold Tier plus a private concert for you at your home or favorite venue that you arrange. (Travel negotiable depending on location.)
  • Diamond VIP Access and exclusive content
  • Private concert
  • 50,000 tokens per month